Saturday, March 12, 2022

Jurassic Park


Book Title: Jurassic Park
Author: Michael Crichton
Genre: Science Fiction Thriller
An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now, one of mankind's most thrilling fantasies has come true. Creatures extinct for eons now roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery and all the world can visit them- for a price.

Until something goes wrong.... 

My Review.

I basically grew up watching Jurassic Park and the other sequels following right up to the most recent one that is coming soon this year....
So when I got the chance to read the book, I did and it was worth it.

So without further a due, lets get into it...

The book starts off with a  very short prologue, not expanding much but just enough to keep one invested. It is then followed by a series of incidents and events that flowed into the introduction of the main story and characters.

The book was really an engaging read, it kept me invested to find out what happens next. It was my first by Michael Crichton and the book itself had a really good pace and I wasn't disappointed by the length but was also surprised by how "short" the book seemed. Like all authors, there will be character death, but what caught me by surprise was who, compared to the movie.

The  difference in the characters interactions and portrayal from the movie was quite evident. 

- John Hammond was shown as a cold, ruthless and in many ways a stereotypical business man with a dark side that is shown quite a lot through the book.

- Ian Malcom, while was the character who was ignored along with his theories but in the end was proved correct at every turn, to me he was more eccentric in the movie but more put together in the book.

- The children were different as it seemed that they took the boy Tim from the book and split him into two characters in the movie, where as the girl Lexie from the book was completely different from movie Lexie.

 These were just some of the characters that I felt were different in both the book and movie, except Dr. Alan Grant as for me he was the unassuming hero who scraped by with his wits and luck in both the book and movie.

Overall for me this book was a solid read over the week of evening readings.
The story itself was compelling and it still held up to the scientific light. The technology described for me was still appropriate and held muster. While it was not something timeless it was not like watching a movie where a cell phone would have solved everything.

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.


The Ghost Bride

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